This repository is under review for potential modification in compliance with Administration directives.

Tissue location request

To request information from the NACC database on the location of various tissues, please provide the information requested below Drawing mainly from data in the NACC NP Data Set, NACC will search for Alzheimer's Disease Centers that may have your target tissues, and then put you in touch with those Centers.

Steps for requesting tissue from Centers:

  1. Work with NACC to develop a list of subjects who may have specimens available at Centers (based on your eligibility criteria). NACC will provide sample-size tables by Center, focusing on the five or 10 Centers that have the most specimens of interest. This will give you a rough estimate of the number of subjects with specimens at each Center. More specific information on the samples (e.g., brain tissue region available) can be obtained once you contact the individual Centers.
  2. Use the list NACC develops to identify the ADRCs that you would like to contact to request specimens.
  3. Once you have determined the ADRCs you would like to contact, use the to draft a letter to the Center(s), explaining your proposed study. Your letter must include a statement similar to the following: "Please note that this is neither a NACC request nor a NACC initiative, and your participation is entirely voluntary." NACC will review your letter, and then we will provide you with contact information for each Center.
  4. Email the approved letter to each Center. If the Center agrees to participate, you email the list of NACCIDs of interest to the Center. If at any point either you or the Center needs more information about a given subject, contact NACC for assistance.

Request form

Investigator contact information

Proposed project