2004 Fall ADRC Meeting

Note: Following are links to available presentations from the meeting. The full agendas can be found here.

Directors Meeting

NIA: From the NNA Associate Director.
Marcelle Morrison-Bogorad, PhD
NIA: From the ADRC Program Director.
Creighton Phelps, PhD
Genetics Initiative.
Richard Mayeux, MD, MSc — Columbia University
Neuropsychiatric Working Group.
Jeffrey Cummings, MD — University of California, Los Angeles
Scientific Symposium: Apolipoprotein E and cholesterol in human and animal models — New perspectives
ApoE Modulation of A-beta Deposition in a Transgenic Mouse Model of AD.
Ronald DeMattos, PhD — Lilly Research Laboratories
Cholesterol, ApoE, and statins.
G. William Rebeck, PhD — Georgetown University
Apolipoprotein E: From structure to Alzheimer's disease
Karl Weisgraber, PhD — University of California, San Francisco

Data Core Leaders/Managers Meeting

Current Quality Control Measures at Selected ADRCs
University of Texas Southwestern. Joe Webster and Joan Reisch, PhD
Boston University. Suzette Levenson, PhD

Education Core Leaders Meeting

NIA: From the ADRC Assistant Director.
Elisabeth Koss, PhD
NIA: From the NNA Associate Director.
Marcelle Morrison-Bogorad, PhD
ADEAR and the Genetics Initiative.
Pat Lynch — Alzheimer's Disease Education and Referral Center
Alzheimer's Association: Campaign for Quality.
Kathleen O'Brien, Sr. VP of Program & Community Services, Alzheimer's Association
Alzheimer's Association: People, Science and Medicine.
Eric Tangalos, Alzheimer's Association
Special presentation
Mary Austrom and Lisa Gwyther
Jason Karlawish, MD, and Kara Krissel — University of Pennsylvania
Opportunities for collaboration and resource sharing
Collaborative effort of NYC Alzheimer’s Association chapter and NYC ADRCs for training and subject recruitment.
Mary Mittelman, Margaret Sewell, and Karen Bell — NYCARE
UCSD/ADCS recruitment strategies.
Mary Sundsmo — University of California, San Diego